Executive Director
Helen Sullivan
Executive Director

Professional Advisor
Katrina Light
Professional Advisor
Katrina Light graduated with an MAud from the University of Canterbury in 2010. Since then she has worked in a variety of situations, including the UC Hearing clinic, Hearing Excellence, aboriginal preschool, a private independent practice in Adelaide, an otoneurological diagnostic centre in Adelaide and Audika. Katrina currently works part-time for BOP DHB, as she juggles her role as mother to three young children. She thoroughly enjoys the diversity of an audiologist’s job and feels privileged to be a part of each person’s life. Prior to studying audiology Katrina completed a BSc (Psychology and Biology), as well as a PhD in Psychological Medicine. She enjoys learning, and this translates into her work through her desire to hear her patient’s stories, work with colleagues to further our knowledge through local case discussions, as well as collaborate with other audiologists across NZ to have a functional, representative and productive audiological society.